Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Malware may have contributed to airline crash

A recent story is that "Malware may have been a contributory cause of a fatal Spanair crash that killed 154 people two years ago." (See this link for the full story.)  The gist of the scenario is that a diagnostic monitoring computer (presumably that runs Windows) got infected with malware and stopped monitoring. The loss of monitoring meant nobody knew when problems occurred. Also, it meant that a warning system didn't work, so it didn't catch a critical pilot error upon takeoff.  The pilots made the error, but the warning system didn't tell them they had made a mistake, and so the plane crashed.

If the above scenario is verified by the investigation, in one sense this is a classic critical system failure in which multiple things had to go wrong to result in a loss event  (operators make a mistake AND operators fail to catch their own mistake with checklists AND automated warning system fails).
But what is a bit novel is that one of the failures was caused by malware, even if it wasn't intentionally targeted at aircraft. So the security problem didn't on its own cause the crash, but it tangibly contributed to the crash by removing a layer of safety.

Now, let's fast-forward to the future. What if someone created malware that would modify pilot checklists?  (I know pilots are trained to know the checklists, but in a stressful situation someone could easily fall for a craftily bogus checklist.)   What if someone intentionally attacked the warning system and caused some more subtle failure?  For example, what if you managed to get all the aircraft in a fleet to give a bogus alarm on every takeoff attempt, and put in a time delay so it would happen on a particular day?

Security problems for embedded systems are going to get a lot worse unless people start taking this threat more seriously. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Hopefully things will get better sooner rather than later.

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