Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Embedded Software Risk Areas -- Implementation -- Part 1

Series Intro: this is one of a series of posts summarizing the different red flag areas I've encountered in more than a decade of doing design reviews of industry embedded system software projects. You can read more about the study here. If one of these bullets applies to your project, you should consider whether that presents undue risk to project success (whether it does or not depends upon your specific project and goals). The results of this study inspired the chapters in my book.

Here are some of the Implementation red flags (part 1 of 2):
  • Inconsistent coding style
Coding style varies dramatically across the code base, and often there is no written coding style guideline. Code comments vary significantly in frequency, level of detail, and type of content. This makes it more difficult to understand and maintain the code.
  • Resources too full
Memory or CPU resources are overly full, leading to risk of missing real time deadlines and significantly increased development costs. An extreme example is zero bytes of program and data memory left over on a small processor. Significant developer time and energy can be spent squeezing software and data to fit, leaving less time to develop or refine functionality.
  • Too much assembly language
Assembly language is used extensively when an adequate high level language compiler is available. Sometimes this is due to lack of big enough hardware resources to execute compiled code.  But more often it is due to developer preference, reuse of previous project code, or a need to economize on purchasing development tools. Assembly language software is usually more expensive to develop and more bug-prone than high level language code.
  • Too many global variables
Global variables are used instead of parameters for passing information among software modules. The result is often code that has poor modularity and is brittle to changes.

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